Why Trust Remote Workers? (Until They Prove These 7 Wrong Public Opinions Wrong)
You will never know how to trust remote workers? In a world where remote work is becoming the norm, skepticism about trusting remote workers persists. It's natural to wonder: How to trust remote workers? Here’s how remote workers can dispel seven common misconceptions and prove their reliability. Poor Communicators Misconception: Contrary to popular belief, remote workers excel in communication by being consistent and transparent. Regular updates on projects and proactive communication about issues help build trust. Tools like Slack, Zoom, and regular email updates bridge the gap and keep everyone informed. Tip for Trust: Set a schedule for regular check-ins and updates, ensuring that employers or clients are always in the loop. Meeting Deadlines Concerns: Many fear remote workers are unreliable with deadlines. By consistently delivering work on time, they demonstrate reliability and dedication. This consistency shows effective time management, even without direct supervi